4 Leute fanden das hilfreich

Have you finally fulfilled your dream of having your own cat? You would probably love to cuddle the kitten and play with it all day long. But even small cats often make a lot of mess. Here you will find instructions on how to clean the litter box, tips on how to deal with unpleasant smells and how often you should clean a litter box completely.
How often do you have to clean the litter box?
Cats are very clean animals, so the litter box should always be clean so that your cat feels comfortable and does not choose another place to do its business. There are different types of cat litter, clumping and non-clumping. It is up to you which one you use. If you use clumping cat litter, remove the clumps daily with a mesh scoop. It is best to remove the large ones immediately so that no unpleasant smells develop. Also remember to clean the mesh scoop regularly so that no bacteria develop.
In addition to the daily cleaning described above, you should completely clean the litter box once a week and replace all the litter.
replacing litter in the litter box
Depending on the type of litter box you have chosen and whether you use an insert under the cat litter, the litter box may only need to be completely cleaned once a month. However, a complete weekly cleaning is better. Here's how to do it:
- First, remove all the cat litter and use a Zewa kitchen paper towel for any stuck-on residue.
- Now clean the litter box with a cloth and some water.
- Let the box dry and then fill it with fresh cat litter.
If you remove the clumps daily and clean the litter box completely once a week, then nothing stands in the way of a clean household with a cat.
Wische das Katzenklo nach dem Reinigen mit feuchtem Zewa Küchenpapier und etwas antibakteriellem Spray ab und wische dann noch einmal mit einem trockenen Küchenpapier nach.
Cat Litter Box Ideas for a Stylish Home
You don't want your guests to see the litter box first? With these ideas you can hide it discreetly and reduce the smell a little:
- Place the litter box in a chest of drawers and saw an access for your cat into one of the side walls. You can place the piece of furniture in the hallway, for example.
- In the bathroom, you can possibly put the litter box in the cupboard under the sink, which you also cut out to provide access from the side. Alternatively, you can attach a curtain to the underside of the sink using double-sided tape to hide the litter box.
- So-called cat cabinets are available in pet stores; they provide space for a litter box and can be integrated into the living space.
Not all cats accept "hidden" litter boxes because the smell builds up there. Be patient if your cat has trouble getting used to the litter box at first and just try a different litter. Otherwise, offer her an open litter box. After all, you want your cat to be happy.
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